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Club rules

Club Rules TC Chevreuse

TC Chevreuse's Club rules are an essential document for the smooth running of the club. They define the rules of conduct and use of the club's facilities, in order to guarantee the safety and well-being of all members. 

The house rules comprise the following elements:

  • General rules of conduct: the house rules set out the basic rules of courtesy and respect between members, as well as prohibited behaviour such as insults, violence and vandalism.

  • Rules governing the use of facilities: the internal rules specify the rules governing the use of the courts, changing rooms, etc. They also lay down the opening hours of the courts. They also lay down the club's opening and closing times.

  • Penalties: the house rules provide for penalties in the event of failure to comply with the rules. These can range from a warning to expulsion from the club.


Membership of TC Chevreuse implies acceptance of the internal rules.

Anyone wishing to join TC Chevreuse must accept the internal regulations. This document is available online or on request from the club office.

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